How do I reduce cheating in online assessments?
Easily make your assessments more secure and reduce cheating with Classtime using advanced session settings.
Easily make your assessments more secure and reduce cheating with Classtime using advanced session settings including shuffling question and answer options, session timer, session scheduler, enhanced student login control, and our Safe Exam Browser integration. To enable these session settings to help reduce cheating on your online assessments:
Start a session and select “settings:”

2. Select “shuffle answer options” and “shuffle questions” to mix up the order of answers and questions.

3. Set a time limit by selecting “session timer” and schedule your session to be available within a given timeframe by selecting “session scheduler.”

4. Try our session setting, Enhanced Student Login Control.

When activated, every student will be able to log in to the session only once, using one student account. If needed, students will be able to request access from a different device/browser, which educators will need to approve or decline.

5. To make exams even more secure, try enabling our Safe Exam Browser integration.
Safe Exam Browser turns any computer temporarily into a secure workstation. It controls access to resources like system functions, other websites, and applications and prevents from unauthorized resources being used during an exam.
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