How do I create an online assessment?
Learn how to create formative and summative online exams with Classtime Sessions
Learn how to create formative and summative online exams with Classtime Sessions
Learn how to enable partial grading, session timer, schedule your assessment and much more.
Classtime provides a fast solution to validate free text answers of your students.
With our “Hand in” button, we have aimed to simplify the process of monitoring student progress and session completion.
Reduce cheating on high stakes exams with our session setting: Enhanced Student Login Control
How students can engage through Classtime
You can find your live sessions listed in Sessions in your top menu.
Students are not required to register but they can authenticate their identities.
You may make an unlimited number of questions per session.
Classtime has set a limit as to how many students can be connected to your Sessions simultaneously.
You can download session results in three formats.
You can delete a session anytime.
Learn all the different ways students can join Classtime’s live sessions
Enabling remote lessons and access to students from any location.
Yes, you can run more than one session at once.
Only you start and end a session.
You can hide names and let students engage anonymously.
Create classes and labels to easily manage your created Sessions.
Select the message option next to your student's name.
Export your session as an Excel report.
By clicking on each question icon, you will see how your class performed on each item.